First Snow Ride

Join this Sunday’s Full-Day FIRST SNOW intermediate ride and get an early feel of December’s weather and be of the firsts to enjoy the beautiful snow-capped Mount Sannine and Bakish.

This ride will take us through Maten and Keserwan with a lunch pitstop at Restaurant Chebli in Bikfaiya.

See you all there!


Test your twins Movember Ride

Join this Sunday’s Half-Day Movember ride and event, and surf through the mountains of Maten leading to Broumana with a pit-stop at Chez Nassim.

We start our morning with a light breakfast at the dealer, a short awareness session by a doctor in collaboration with Caritas and end our event with a fun game coupled with a special prize by Cedarwoods….. and off we ride!


“Bike Maze – Car Craze” Ride

Join this Sunday’s Bike Maze – Car Craze half day ride and take your bikes for a stroll through the olive orchards of the North leading to Amioun for a brunch stop at “Clutch N’ Carb”- an innovative classic car concept in Lebanon.

See you there !


‘’LOST & FOUND’’ Ride

Join this Sunday’s half-day Lost and Found ride and glide your bikes through colorful mountains and landscapes of Jbeil and Batroun districts.

See you there!


Pinktober Ride 2023

Join this Sunday’s UNITED FOR HOPE half-day ride and help raise awareness for Breast Cancer. We start our day with a breakfast and a short event at the dealership which will include live testimonies of Breast Cancer survivors and fighters.

Following the event, we will be riding over the mountains of Maten.

Your participation in the event will spread awareness amongst our riding community and family, we hope to see you all there.


Zendurance Ride 2023

Join us early this Sunday for a long and fast-paced Zendurance 2023 ride through interesting routing over Mount Lebanon and the North. Your endurance and riding skills will be intensely and passionately aroused from departure to return… put your gear on and let’s ride !

While we would love to see all HOG members participate, it is highly recommended for passengers and slower-paced riders not to join, as their exit would be imminent if they can not keep up with the ride’s pace.
